Present Participle (Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

April 03, 2020 Anindita 0 Comments

Nama : Anindita Suci Febianingsih
Kelas : 4KA29
NPM : 10116894

Present Participle
Definition of Present Participle
Present participle is a form of verb that uses “-ing” with the base of the word. Most of the times, it performs the function of an adjective, though it also works as a verb or a subject in construction. This verb form is completely regular. It is also known as a “-ing” form, and uses the auxiliary form “be” to express a progressive aspect of the tense.
For example, in the sentence, “Walking through Sherwood Forest at sunset, we could feel an air of mystery, as if the ancient trees had a story to tell, if only we could hear” (Robin Hood’s Merry England, by Winsoar Churchill), “walking” is a verb working as the subject of the sentence, though it is an adjective that describes the subject “we” given in the next clause.

Common Use of Present Participle

1. The crying girl took a long breath and laid down on the couch.

“Crying” tells what girl is doing, adding to the meaning of the sentence.

2. Garry entered the room with a bruised face, a fractured hand, and a bleeding
Here, present participles describe the face, hand, and leg, which are injured.

3. Watching TV, he forgot everything else.
“Watching TV” is a participle clause, which has shortened the clause and made it clear and precise.

4. I really liked this bouncing ball.
The word “bouncing” is describing the ball.

5. She is working.
Here, the present participle “working” is informing the audience what the subject “she” is doing. Here it is working as a verb.

1. I go running every morning.
2. She would have been expecting me.
3. I watched the birds flying away.
4. Don't waste time playing computer games!
5. She would have been expecting me.
6. He whispered, thinking his brother was still asleep.

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